Analysis Of Oprah’s Therapeutic And Non-therapeutic Communication Styles

Table of Contents

Therapeutic Communication

Communication that is not therapeutic

In conclusion,

Oprah Winfrey interviews Zachary, a ten-year old boy who talks about his experiences with anger control and distressing voices. A February 18th 2011 article entitled “Children dealing with violent rage” gave insight into the parents’ struggle to understand Zach’s problem. Zach started throwing violent tantrums around the age of 18 months. He would get into trouble with his family, smashing the walls, and thrashing his room. He tried to stab classmates at school with a pair of scissors and he also had incidents at home in which he thought about killing his parents. It was easy for Zach to get angry and his parents started to be afraid of him. Zach had multiple incidents of throwing glasses and vases at babysitters and rubbing his feces all over the walls. Zach’s parents needed to adjust their home to keep him from causing harm to others and themselves. Zach was finally diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, severe ADHD and unspecified mood disorders.

Zach was placed in a school for kids with mental illness by his parents after he sought help. Zach was taught to manage his mental illness and to keep negative thoughts away. Instead, he focused on positive thinking. It’s also known as “White Light”. This method of coping has greatly helped Zach and his parents. Zach’s parents recognized that Zach’s negativity was only fueling his behavior and taught himcoping techniques. Zach is now able to control his temper and has a tendency to avoid violent or outlandish outbursts. Zach and his parents decided that Oprah would interview them to tell their story. This would allow other children in similar situations to hear about their experiences and make it known that there is help available. Therapeutic Communication Zach spoke one-on-one with Oprah about her therapeutic communication methods. Oprah was attentive to Zach’s needs and was a good listener. Oprah immediately responded to Zach with concern body language and eye-contact. Oprah started the interview by asking Zach a series of open-ended questions. Oprah also asked Zach several open-ended questions, which allowed him to share his feelings. Oprah would often use phrases like “describe that” or “tell us more” to get Zach’s thoughts out.

Oprah used multiple clarification techniques such as paraphrasing (Halter (2018)). Oprah stated that many people are affected by negative energies and allow it in. Zach replied that they were aware of it. Paraphrasing is a therapeutic technique. Oprah repeating Zach’s explanation lets Zach know that he has been heard (Halter (2018)). Zach explained that he feels peaceful and calm when he does. Oprah was intrigued and asked, “This is who you really are?” Oprah can be sure that Zach is being heard by her by simply repeating the words Zach spoke. Many of Oprah’s open ended questions also fall under the umbrella of exploring. Exploring allows the interviewees to expand on ideas or statements. Oprah asked Zach to describe the moment he told his mom that the voices in his head were telling him to do evil things. Zach was forced to share in detail the things he shared with his mom as well as what he felt at that moment.

Communication that is not therapeuticOprah used other communication styles. Common therapeutic method

Oprah never used silence between answering questions. Zach might have felt compelled to quickly respond to questions if he was not allowed to think before asking questions. Oprah also used multiple closed-ended, non-therapeutic questions. Oprah used to ask multiple closed-ended questions. Oprah next asked another question. Oprah could also have asked an open-ended, question like “Can You Describe What Triggers Negative Energies?” This would have helped to facilitate a more thorough answer than “Yes.”

ConclusionOprah interviewed Zach using both non-therapeutic and therapeutic techniques. Oprah was active as a listener and used clarifying techniques such paraphrasing (restating), exploring and restating to get the point across. Oprah could have benefited from Zach speaking out in silence. Oprah also posed multiple closed-ended, non-committal questions that don’t allow Zach to give detailed answers. Oprah’s interview with Zach was a success.


  • loganhenderson

    Logan Henderson is a 27-year-old blogger who specializes in educational topics. He has a master's degree in education and is passionate about helping others learn. Logan has been blogging for six years and has a large following of readers who appreciate his helpful advice and easy-to-follow tutorials.

loganhenderson Written by:

Logan Henderson is a 27-year-old blogger who specializes in educational topics. He has a master's degree in education and is passionate about helping others learn. Logan has been blogging for six years and has a large following of readers who appreciate his helpful advice and easy-to-follow tutorials.

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