The Avatar Plot Summary


Avatar, I only know that this movie features a lot of “people” who are fighting each other or one another. Also, I haven’t seen the movie. The only thing I know about it is the reviews you have just read. I discovered that Avatar’s 3D and quality photos are excellent. I discovered that Jake is the hero of Avatar.

Jake is the main character in Avatar. I don’t know the exact story, but Jake goes off to live with other people and falls in love. Parker is a bureaucrat and wants to rule everything. Colonel Quartich is another villain. The only thing I can see about him is that his personality is bigger than life. While this movie was very expensive to produce, the writer/director still made a lot off it. Although this movie will be remembered as one of 2009’s best, it was $300 million more expensive to make. What’s the story of this movie? One review said that Avatars had been stationed in Na’vi to extract a rare and highly valuable mineral. But, then he asks what those minerals are.

There are many similarities between these reviews. First, I want to point out that Tom Maurstad’s first review was concise and straight-forward.

Kelley 2The James Berardinelli review of Kelley had lots of irrelevant information. Berardinelli’s article made me lose interest because he was just getting deeper and deeper into the subject. Maurstad had a much better review. He was able to state his opinion and then back it with evidence before moving onto the next item.

Berardinelli’s movie review had one thing I liked. He would provide more background about the movie, which helped me understand it better. Maurstad was more direct and moved on to the next topic without explaining his points. Both authors didn’t do it in the whole paper. But they did in parts.

One thing they shared was their love for comparing and contrasting other movies. Both mentioned Titanic. Because Avatar and Titanic have the same director, this movie can be compared to it. However, that’s not all. Both movies have the same romantic storyline.

Another thing they have in common is their shared interest in DNA. They use DNA in very different ways, which is quite funny. Maurstad is referring to DNA in its actual form, which can be mixed with alien DNA. Berardinelli refers to 3D filmic DNA. It was a big part of the movie’s first release that I learned DNA played. However, it wasn’t that important to me.

These reviews are both about the exact same movie. However, there are many similarities and differences. While hundreds can see the exact same movie, hundreds can have different opinions.


  • loganhenderson

    Logan Henderson is a 27-year-old blogger who specializes in educational topics. He has a master's degree in education and is passionate about helping others learn. Logan has been blogging for six years and has a large following of readers who appreciate his helpful advice and easy-to-follow tutorials.

loganhenderson Written by:

Logan Henderson is a 27-year-old blogger who specializes in educational topics. He has a master's degree in education and is passionate about helping others learn. Logan has been blogging for six years and has a large following of readers who appreciate his helpful advice and easy-to-follow tutorials.

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